講座分享 Sharing Sessions
受金麗華酒店邀請為主講嘉賓分享古堡婚禮注意事項 Invited by Grand Lapa Hotel as a guest speaker to share the details of a castle wedding 受澳門文華東方酒店邀請為主講嘉賓分享新娘化妝貼士及禮服講解 Invited by Mandarin Oriental, Macau as a guest speaker to share the tips of Bridal Makeup and Gown Selection 受澳門明愛邀請為主講嘉賓分享籌備婚禮的小貼士 Invited by Caritas Macau as a guest speaker to share the tips of wedding preparation 受澳門十六浦度假村邀請為主講嘉賓分享籌備婚禮小貼士 […]